WHERE AM I NOW: Bali, Indonesia
Diving and surfing.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Street Food

It's reasonable to budget $5 a day for food. Maybe $6 if you want to splurge and get a fancy desert.

I don't know what most of this stuff is. Do you?
Lunch is most fun because there are soooo many street vendors. You can pick and choose items as you wander among the stalls.

Most people have heard of escargo, tripe, and chicken feet, but the Taiwanese eat some crazy things. Whole fried crabs seem to be popular along the coasts... but I can't figure out how you eat them. What looks like wall insulation is actually shredded pork. If you don't know what it is, it's probably pork of some sort. They even grill it thin sheets - not at all like bacon, more like home made paper.

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