WHERE AM I NOW: Bali, Indonesia
Diving and surfing.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Feel the burn

Yuli is an unremarkable city on the east coast of Taiwan. The only reason people bother to come here is for the Yushan National Park and it's well publicized Walami Trail. What they conveniently forget to tell you is how much of a bitch it is to get there.

It's not that it's far, its that there are no god damn signs. And the few there are, point in the wrong direction.

Having no transportation of my own, I decided to rent a bicycle. You remember those... the things with the incredibly painful seat.

So of course, I got lost. Three times. And did I mention the Walami Trail is well into the mountains. I rode over 30 miles today... into the mountains... that's 15 miles up hill.

I shouldn't admit this, but I even managed to flip my bike on the way down. I'm sporting a very not sexy burn mark on my chin and massive bruises on each thigh, as welll as shredded palms.

1 comment:

  1. Holy Shit Jade! BE CAREFUL!!! And I would NEVER cross that bridge. Good thing I'm not with you because I would ruin all of your fun! hahaha.
