WHERE AM I NOW: Bali, Indonesia
Diving and surfing.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

New Year #4: Thingyan Water Festival

Myanmar celebrates thier new year at roughly the same time as their neighbors. The celebration is called Thingyan. Like Thailand, cities across the country celebrate with a nation-wide water fight. The festivities in Myanmar, however, have an edge to them.

Rather than mere squirt guns, the people of Yangon bust out the industrial strength hoses and pressure washers. An unwary visitor may find themselves nearly blasted off their feet if they're not careful. Revelers with a devious streak, fill their guns with ice water. Others add food coloring (usually red) to their tanks.

Yangon doesn't isolate their celebrations either: the entire city is turned into a friendly war zone.

New year #3: Songkran Festival

Thailand's biggest holiday of the year is Songran: the celebration of the new year. How do they celebrate? With a nation and city-wide water fight.

Have you ever seen Hot Fuzz? Do you know the last scene when everyone in the aparantly peaceful village suddenly pulls out pistols and semi-automatics.... make those water guns and you're getting closer to what Songkran is like. Everyone, everyone!, has a super soaker, water balloon, or bucket; and everyone's a target. If you venture outside, you will get soaked. Resistance is futile. 
Khaosan Rd, Bangkok

Pool party at Davy Jones Locker, Koh Tao

Top of the food chain

It's easy to forget how fragile humans are. But you quickly remember when faced with 600 lbs of furry death. Okay, maybe 'faced' isn't the right word. Maybe 'cuddled' is more realistic.

At Tiger Kingdom in Chiang Mai, it's possible to snuggle up to some of natures most efficient hunters: the Bengal Tiger. There are several ages to select from: 3 month, 6 month, etc. The babies are the most fun.

Back in town

So you knew this would happen eventually: It's been a while since my last post. Sorry. It's Asia. What else can be said?

In the time I've been gone from the blog, I've been scuba diving in the Thai islands, wrestled with baby tigers, wrung in the new year twice in 3 different cities, got robbed, sought medical attention in the lowest health-rated country in the world, and been on a 3 day treck through the mountains of Myanmar. Not to mention hanging out in Bangkok.

So consider this my formal apology for being absent so long. Now please read on, and follow this bunny down the rabbit hole...